打自参加 OBC 后,我的生活圈子大大地扩大了 ... 虽未能一一认识所有的 Bootcamp Malaysia 组员 (毕竟我们有多个班次及分布在两个不同的训练地点) ... 但我们在 Facebook 的 OBC 网页里相会并 “合体” 了。
几乎,每天都会有相关的资讯分享,有关於早班成员 “爆料” 解说当天的训练内容; 有关於训练后身体的种种状况喇; 亦有好多无关紧要的报告 ...
天气喇、场地喇、八卦喇、... 好多好多的回复与意见都会让你捧腹大笑 (我在上班,因此绝大部份的时间我是憋笑到内伤)、泪流不止 ...
今天,看到一名成员发表了一则我自认还蛮有意思的问题,当然 ... 亦得到不少组员的回响 (有正经亦有搞笑部份) ... Anyway,
决定在这里与你们分享,公开发表他们的言论与意见。(Perhaps, if you would like to have a good laugh
for the day, provided you are the Facebook user, feel free to log in to
Original Bootcamp - Malaysia's page & join ours BS= Bullshit
Here's the discussions @ OBC page on Jan 15, 2010, initiated by Rukaiyah Manis on "Why do you joined the Bootcamp?"... and here are some excerpts (extracted without any editing): I
trust this excerpts will be an inspiration to others to take charge of
their health and fitness........... it is never too late.
Rukaiyah Manis: "because I was diagnosed with high blood
presser and refused to take medication for it. I wanted to have workout
activities in my lifetyle... fate determine that i joined facebook,
started to play games and saw bootcamp ad, that was 7 months ago......."
Celine Ooi: "I was bored in dec due to cancelled holiday
plans. i read abt bootcamp at suanie's .... meant as a one-off in dec,
but i continued in jan and have signed-up for feb!"
Shobha Bala: "I
was hospitalized for bad eating habits, suffered from gastric ulcers
etc, i looked for the easy way out to keeping fit, i.e. pills. My
stomach crashed (yes, i'm still payin the price for it) and told myself
no more. Saw the ad on FB, never looked back. Never felt healthier. OBC
changed my life. aww.. hugs to my super duper instructors & fellow
motivating recruits."
Shamil Tan: "I just wanted to eat Banana Leaf on sunday without guilt.....lol"
Amelia Shahrin: "I
had enough of fat jokes from my parents and future in laws.. so that is
why i joined OBC.. was already considering it for 3 months ago, then
finally 2010 came and i made my decision to join for Jan session.."
Chun SSJ:
Recommend by Friend but still not convince till read advert in the
star......."Guaranteed Results...No Matter What Your Current Fitness
Level".....I personally LIKE this MOST " NEVER repeat the SAME session
twice, whether u have trained with US for 6 months or 6 years....enuff
I still continue because of above and I want to "Train with the
INNOVATORS, not the imitators" and I want to MAKE NEW BEST FRIENDS and
ENEMY. I also want to FIT in 25 JEANS like YTF."
Suriana Saiful: "I just want more pain. Pain keeps me alive .. ;)"
Megaa Velayuthan:
"1.To get fit
2.To gain weight.(Now dont laugh Ruk)
3.For better stamina
4.Love outdoor workout"
Syuhada Adnan: "I
had not much idea on what OBC is about until the first day and I was
running and fainting at the same time (but still running). haha! And I
was looking at the seniors on the first day; all muscle-y and thought,
that's hot .. :) I guess the idea of waking up at 415am, driving from
putrajaya to kl, get high on pain, and sleep-driving back to putrajaya
before going to work is something really crazy. Might as well continue
doing that (signed up for Feb, yeay!)"
Susoshini Jahanath: "I
didn't like the fact that as a former runner, I had become so unfit and
flabby (yes, the dreaded word - almost as bad as fatty). I got tired of
people saying 'You've put on weight! Looking very healthy!'. I tried a
few different gyms, but somehow it just never seemed to work out to my
taste. I heard about OBC from a friend, signed up in November ... just
to try it out, and I haven't looked back since. I've got a great group
of people I exercise with, including the trainers. The motivation and
the push is what I've needed. HOOYAH!!"
Chai Soo Pey: "A
friend dragged me in bcos he needed someone to accompany him and to
find out what it's all about... we went to the wrong field on the first
day, i was cursing him mad bcos i thought it was a total conned case
paying & waking up in the wee hours just to see an empty field...
hmmm, who knows, i subsequently got addicted, this is my 3rd month in
actual reason i agreed to try out in the first place was to challenge
myself & see how far i can go. It's a big risk i took. I have very
sensitive & highly allergic skin after a severe burnt by wrong
cream prescribed some 22 years ago... My condition worsen & i
almost gave up living then. Everything became a total nightmare. I was
always being subjected to people's evil stares, teases & negative
remarks bcos of my bad condition.. and my diet was drawn back to basic,
eliminating most of the food from the list & slowly introducing one
by one all over again to determine which food i can/can't tolerate... i
was always on steroid jabs & pills... had no choice but to let go
things i love, including sports & outdoor activities....
were so much fun i missed out all these years, and i intend to do some
catch up, it's still not too late... So i started with jogging, random
trekking and a little hiking... testing out one thing at a time... each
attempt took me a lot of courage because should things go wrong, i
would be in a bad shape & would be back to the much-dreaded
steroids again. And so far, i am ok. Then came Original Bootcamp, i was
really skeptical and not sure if i would want to do it. I know there
will be lots of contact with dirty water, mud, grass; lots of sweat -
no big issue for healthy people, but definitely very risky for me...
Well, i went into it without my family's knowledge. It was only after
the 2nd session that i dare to inform my family, and excitedly spammed
my friends' with emails! Well, so far so good, i am glad that i am
still okay, although every now and then after a session, i do get
rashes & have to wait for hours before they subside. Itchy, but
worth it! OBC is pure fun & joy, I am always excited, looking
forward to each session & i love the people in OBC! ...
Oh, i am now looking forward to trying out my very first water-rafting
activity with one of my best friends, CH, end of this month! Hopefully
it's materialised & i can pass that too. I am scared, please keep
an eye on me, buddy, don't let me die yet!"
Rj Rahman Mansor: "I
had always been active and but..just after April 2004 after achieving a
target to complete my first (and only) TRI...motivation just faded...I
tried to stay fit and keep in shape by going to the gym but gymming was
starting to be a bore!...some routine and no one to push me...in the
mean time, my already grown up kids was beginning to enjoy outdoor
activities (they are into climbing and trailing) and they really would
like dad to be with them...but I realize that my fitness was fading
fast if I don't do anything about it...Danial my 20 yo son saw OBC and
pointed out "Dad, this is YOU!" you gotta go!...I read about OBC
somewhere before this long time ago and wondered when it was coming to
our shores...when Danial pointed that out...it perked me up and I was
game!...I was first recruit in KLA batch but didnt finish because of
bad rib injury and...since terminating gym membership..I have enjoyed
my new playground and playmates ( and play items too).. OBC Rawks.."
Faizal Ariff: "A
different perspective: I joined Original Bootcamp MY because it is the
only fitness program in the industry here that let me focus all my
attention on the results of the participants (recruits) instead of
other misc sales related agenda. Being exposed to the practice of
commercialized gyms made me apathetic towards their real
objectives. I'm there at the field in the wee hours of the morning
because of you recruits. Not for my own gains. Hooyah! :) "
Lulu Cattywampus: "Last
year, I set myself a goal to do at least one thing a year I thought I
would never do in my lifetime. Last year I learnt how to scuba dive :)
This year I thought...climb Mount Kinabalu!! I knew I was in terrible
shape and I thought that OBC would be an ideal way to get in shape!
Now, I can safely say that joining OBC is something I thought I ... See Morewould
never do in my lifetime!!! I mean...flipping tyres? carrying rifles?
Sandbags? No, no...not me!! I'm too much of a girly-girl!! But I'm
doing it...and I love it!!! HOOYAH!!!!"
Syuzana Amran: "I
joined because I know I'm terribly unfit and missed how I felt 5 years
ago. Also, was sick and tired of people passing 'fat' comments. As much
as I'd love to say that I don't care what they thought of me, I do.
Altho, the comments don't hurt as much as me knowing that I'm just
asking for it for not taking better care of myself. So, I had to do
Admittedly I've been lurking around for a few months and even when Sulo
and Ee-Lyn joined, I said I was too busy that month (I was!) but I knew
if I had wanted it so badly, I would've just joined them. No excuses,
right? So, after 'chickening' out a few times, opening and closing the
OBC website, I (finally!!) registered for January. (And have registered
for Feb as well.)
My goals are simple:...
1. Do NOT pass out/ throw up while running.
2. Get my ass into those jeans I've had to leave behind 4 years ago. I know they're waiting for me ;)
3. To live better.
Angela YTFoo: "Hello. I am Angela and I am an Obcholic.
I joined OBC because I wanted to fit into my 25.
Now that I can, I'm still staying because OBC is just too much fun. I
think I'd be quite lost if I didn't have to wake up early on
And I actually love the mud. :)"
Suanie T: "My mother offered to pay for me to get a gastic bypass surgery. i figured there's a less painful option somewhere out there."
Joyce Chuo: Recommended by a friend who have joined OBC 2
months earlier while knowing that I'm looking for a different work up
besides my Yoga practice. Was told that this is a totally different
sport/ exercise which everyone goes as a team & get motivate/
encouragement by each other to get you tru like a family ...
And of course, guaranteed results ... even thought the fee is slight
"costly" but I always believe in what you pay is what you get ... and
yet I would need to get myself committed or else ... what you've paid
will gone to waste definitely...
I have actually loose 30kgs since 3 years ago ... but then gained 10kgs
easily within 2 yrs of "honey-moon" period ... hardly denied that I
just love fooooods soooooo much, you won't only see me having Banana
Leaf on Sunday ... (some more CK now keeps offering me banana juice
& durian juice ... hmmm = =lll ) Don't think of joining those
fitness centre as I know I'll be end up watching TV shows, listening to
gossips, enjoying the cool-air ... instead of working on the cardio/
I won't hope to fix in a 25" jeans but at least to get a firmer/ toner
figure, healthier life style ... & "bonus" ~ meeting new faces and
get real good laugh here :) Surrounded by lot of funny ppl in OBC even
I might look bit quiet/ serious or perhaps shy *_* ...
Guys, you really make my day & you are the best! Gotta stick with OBC & HOOOYAAAHHH ~"
Gail Taylor: "hi rukaiyah :) thanks for sharing .. bc great
workout for all of us , we will all be healthier, great for the body
and mind, most of all the no1 challange is against ourselves to improve
every month.. pls come and join us pj pm's again soon your words of
encouragement was so welcome hooyah"
Shazana Agha: Wow - these are interesting stories guys! Even if
it’s for banana leaf! Suanie, I’m glad you bypassed gastric surgery :)
Corp Faizal - fake, plastic gyms reeking of commercial gluttony [oklah,
maybe a bit too harsh…] and clinging on in desperation via compulsory
yearly contracts – hmmm… certainly not on for me anymore.
Initially, I joined because of the usual weight loss motivation, the
‘feel good factor’ and OF COURSE to be able to have banana leaf/nasi
lemak/teh tarik (kurang manis) without dying at a premature age.
But as time went by, it finally hit me, why people actually go crazy
over sports. For someone who never really pursued sports in school,
this was like discovery of the decade (for me lah) – exercise REALLY
makes you feel good - my MUM’s really not lying!! It really does give
you the whole ‘optimum performance’ thing. Dan secara psikologinya, [this is my last point, I swear!] something i noticed [yes lah, i know it's not ground-breaking!]:
In bootcamp, or in any form of competitive sports, everyone is
constantly driven to do THEIR best, to persevere and carry on. And it’s
amazing how this mental attitude can (creep into?) be translated in our
real lives, whether it’s work, family, health, personal integrity etc.
– you kind of get conditioned to only want your best, no compromise and
no more self-sabotage.
Not that easy lah of course, but I'm think ground-breaking theory does work at some level.
Thanks Rukaiyah for posing the question. Have a good weekend everyone! 250 patah perkataan (haha...sorry guys!)"
Pilates WYC: "Although I have been doing group fitness
classes for many years, have always been interested in doing military
style training in outdoor conditions. I felt that my fitness level
needed a kickstart to get it up to a higher level. My cardio level is
good & my form is ok but I needed to get stronger.
OBC is a real dream come true for me. I get to play in the mud &
rain, I am definitely stronger & now I can run!!! I have also had
the opportunity to train with a fantastic group of instructors &
recruits who share my passion for fitness. The rapport & team
spirit in KLA is really beyond awesome! You guys are the inspiration
for me to drag myself out of bed at 5am 3 times a week when I am well
known for being so not a morning person!"
Armin Baniaz: After almost 13 years being a Gym member and 5 years of various
outdoor adventure from mountain climbing, marathons, dualthons and
triathlons, all other form of workout then became quite a bore and
results was plateau. I crave for some kick-@ss workout and only wanted
to try out the Bootcamp in dire desperation to shed some weight from
the Hari Raya Aidiltfitri food-overdose last year... I ended-up having
the best chemistry at the Bootcamp. The most attractive and important
part of the Bootcamp especially for my busy schedule is the
punctuality, the early 5:45am schedule (which is not available
elsewhere) and the trainers preach what they speak. Every morning, the
session never failed to start at 5:45am and ended at 6:45am. I
was able to go home, shower, have breakfast and be at office on time.
The trainers can performed well all the programs prepared for the
trainees and at most time especially Sergeant Simran, would perform
those exercises with us, leading us by example.
actual eventual benchmark for the trainee is really................ the
Trainers Timing themselves!!! Watch out trainers, if you lacked-behind
in your own training... soon we will be telling you what to do! (*Evil