Original Bootcamp Malaysia @ 1st Platoon vs Platoon
2010年1月18日,收到 Bootcamp Malaysia 发来的邮件,内容指示将於 2010年1月24日(周日)举办 OBC 首次 Platoon vs Platoon
(KL & PJ) 别开生面的对垒友谊赛。有意参加者更必须於 22日中午前报名...
报名与对垒赛进行的时间根本不到一个星期。但基於是首次举办,各个队友们在参加 OBC
What is it all about?
Platoon Vs Platoon gives you the opportunity to compete with other recruits from your apposing platoon in a friendly, enjoyable and slightly competitive way :-)
It’s all about having fun, some friendly competition against each other and of course aiming to be the winners who come out on top! If you’ve ever thought that your platoon is the strongest, then here’s your chance to prove it by participating in Malaysia’s first Platoon Vs Platoon. You will get the opportunity to take part in new and exciting activities, which have not yet been seen during an OBC session.
How much will it cost me?
Platoon Vs Platoon is free, however there will be a donation box and we will be collecting money for a foundation which we will confirm later in the week. 100% of the money collected on the day will go towards this foundation.
Time & Location:
Platoon Vs Platoon will be held at Taman Metropolitan Kepong. You can click here to view the map or cut and paste this link http://tiny.cc/SjVaX
We will kick start Platoon Vs Platoon at 5:45am sharp. The event should last approximately 2 hours
How to sign up?
All you have to do is email us back with your name and which location you are representing, i.e KL or PJ. It’s very important to book your spot as the activities on the day will vary depending on numbers. We also need to ensure that we have enough instructors to cover everyone. Registration for Platoon Vs Platoon will be closed on Friday 22nd at 12pm Sharp.
Please Note:
You must previously have completed or are currently completing a full month of OBC to take part in the Platoon Vs Platoon Challenge. Please also wear your recruit t-shirt.
我原意只想当啦啦队与到场支持代表我们 PJ 的队友,是日清晨五时半抹黑到达会场,惊见一大群队友已抵达现场,结果硬是被队友夹持,临时加入了挑战队。项目开始前,除了相互与素未谋面(一般都只在 Facebook 留下只字片语) 的 KL 队友打招呼、交流外,亦是 “认清” 彼此真面目的绝佳好机会... 哈哈哈~ 各队更独创了代表性的口号,相互呼号 “挑衅”,十分热血~
KL 与 PJ 区的队友们都摸黑抵达会场,我5时半抵达已见如此多人~ (上)
部份(入镜的)PJ 区代表~ We are ASTAKA WARRIORS, HOOOYAH! (下)
终於等到教练呼叫集合~ 向众人说明与宣布注意的事项,随后便让各 KL & PJ 的队长点算参与的人数,接着再分成两组,共四队(KL Alpha、KL Bravo、PJ Alpha 与 PJ Bravo,由於我是临时插脚入队,便自由选择到 PJ Bravo)。分组完毕后,教练便集合并调开各队队长,另行分派任务,我们则在原地待队长手持被委派的任务归队后对我们讲解/ 说明任务的事项与必须遵守/ 注意的事物。听清楚了队长所交代的事项后我们便等待 “游戏” 开始。
教练召集了各队队长,分派 “任务” 并交代游戏规则
天色实在太暗了~ 我们都给挨到路灯下看所给予的地图指示并商讨出发路线
待教练下令 “开始” 后,我们便往目标前进。这次的赛事有点类似 Amazing Race,亦是考验队友们的耐力亦提倡团队的合作精神。每抵达指定的点,都会有负责人(教练)在等待并给予问题,随后再闯关。中途亦会遇到体力大比拼,每队得个别安排两名队员到教练指示的地方取得所指定的物件回来,上斜坡有之、爬楼台有之、... 真是被他们玩死~
除外,每队队员更得打起万二分精神留意周遭是否有 “可疑” 物件,并得将之带回到终点... 由於得翻覆整个 Lake Park,而该场地亦是我们无法想像之大... 使得整个赛事耗了近两个小时才 mission accomplish ~
几经幸苦,各队队友都陆续提着指示/ 授予的物件,好不容易回到终点~
) 来到我们面前,说成绩的结算以各队在指定地点所回答的问题准确度、取回分散各地的物件数量、与抵达终点的时间为基本。公布结果... KL Platoon 以二十一比二十优胜,赢得了首届的对垒赛奖杯!
可喜可贺~ 恭喜我们 KL 的 KL Kiasus 队团员!
KL 与 PJ 团体照
仅以一分之差,我们 PJ 队输了给 KL 队,虽败犹荣。庆幸自己临时决定参予,亦看到队友们有别於一般於练习时的认真与投入,更有些在中途不慎摔伤甚至体力不支,却仍然不愿中途放弃,即使拖着疲惫的双腿亦要不负团队的精神,势必要完成整个赛事,对於这些队友,我由衷感到敬佩... 当中过程非常有意思。
赛事完毕后,我们来到附近的印度咖喱屋享用 banana leaf 早餐~
各位队友们幸苦了~ 我们一起来干杯! yammmm shenggggg ~
Are you up
for the Challenge?
Come join
us on Sunday the 24th of January for our first Platoon Vs Platoon
Challenge in Malaysia.
What is it all about?
Platoon Vs Platoon gives you the opportunity to compete with other recruits from your apposing platoon in a friendly, enjoyable and slightly competitive way :-)
It’s all about having fun, some friendly competition against each other and of course aiming to be the winners who come out on top! If you’ve ever thought that your platoon is the strongest, then here’s your chance to prove it by participating in Malaysia’s first Platoon Vs Platoon. You will get the opportunity to take part in new and exciting activities, which have not yet been seen during an OBC session.
How much will it cost me?
Platoon Vs Platoon is free, however there will be a donation box and we will be collecting money for a foundation which we will confirm later in the week. 100% of the money collected on the day will go towards this foundation.
Time & Location:
Platoon Vs Platoon will be held at Taman Metropolitan Kepong. You can click here to view the map or cut and paste this link http://tiny.cc/SjVaX
We will kick start Platoon Vs Platoon at 5:45am sharp. The event should last approximately 2 hours
How to sign up?
All you have to do is email us back with your name and which location you are representing, i.e KL or PJ. It’s very important to book your spot as the activities on the day will vary depending on numbers. We also need to ensure that we have enough instructors to cover everyone. Registration for Platoon Vs Platoon will be closed on Friday 22nd at 12pm Sharp.
Please Note:
You must previously have completed or are currently completing a full month of OBC to take part in the Platoon Vs Platoon Challenge. Please also wear your recruit t-shirt.
我原意只想当啦啦队与到场支持代表我们 PJ 的队友,是日清晨五时半抹黑到达会场,惊见一大群队友已抵达现场,结果硬是被队友夹持,临时加入了挑战队。项目开始前,除了相互与素未谋面(一般都只在 Facebook 留下只字片语) 的 KL 队友打招呼、交流外,亦是 “认清” 彼此真面目的绝佳好机会... 哈哈哈~ 各队更独创了代表性的口号,相互呼号 “挑衅”,十分热血~
KL 与 PJ 区的队友们都摸黑抵达会场,我5时半抵达已见如此多人~ (上)
部份(入镜的)PJ 区代表~ We are ASTAKA WARRIORS, HOOOYAH! (下)
终於等到教练呼叫集合~ 向众人说明与宣布注意的事项,随后便让各 KL & PJ 的队长点算参与的人数,接着再分成两组,共四队(KL Alpha、KL Bravo、PJ Alpha 与 PJ Bravo,由於我是临时插脚入队,便自由选择到 PJ Bravo)。分组完毕后,教练便集合并调开各队队长,另行分派任务,我们则在原地待队长手持被委派的任务归队后对我们讲解/ 说明任务的事项与必须遵守/ 注意的事物。听清楚了队长所交代的事项后我们便等待 “游戏” 开始。
教练召集了各队队长,分派 “任务” 并交代游戏规则
天色实在太暗了~ 我们都给挨到路灯下看所给予的地图指示并商讨出发路线
待教练下令 “开始” 后,我们便往目标前进。这次的赛事有点类似 Amazing Race,亦是考验队友们的耐力亦提倡团队的合作精神。每抵达指定的点,都会有负责人(教练)在等待并给予问题,随后再闯关。中途亦会遇到体力大比拼,每队得个别安排两名队员到教练指示的地方取得所指定的物件回来,上斜坡有之、爬楼台有之、... 真是被他们玩死~
除外,每队队员更得打起万二分精神留意周遭是否有 “可疑” 物件,并得将之带回到终点... 由於得翻覆整个 Lake Park,而该场地亦是我们无法想像之大... 使得整个赛事耗了近两个小时才 mission accomplish ~
几经幸苦,各队队友都陆续提着指示/ 授予的物件,好不容易回到终点~
Lake Park 的范围与问答题闯关、体力大比拼、“宝物” 发散的点 ...
首先抵达的是 KL Alpha,接着便是我们 PJ Bravo,紧接着 KL Bravo 与后来的 PJ Alpha 队。再等待结果/ 成绩揭晓前,我们得以於限定的范围内自由活动、聊天休息、吃大会替我们准备的饮料与三明治补充/ 恢复体力。
乘休息的闲余时段来张比较看得清 “是人是鬼” 的团体照
终於等到 Mr. Selva 与教练们 (我们统称 “红衫军” 
可喜可贺~ 恭喜我们 KL 的 KL Kiasus 队团员!
KL 与 PJ 团体照
仅以一分之差,我们 PJ 队输了给 KL 队,虽败犹荣。庆幸自己临时决定参予,亦看到队友们有别於一般於练习时的认真与投入,更有些在中途不慎摔伤甚至体力不支,却仍然不愿中途放弃,即使拖着疲惫的双腿亦要不负团队的精神,势必要完成整个赛事,对於这些队友,我由衷感到敬佩... 当中过程非常有意思。
赛事完毕后,我们来到附近的印度咖喱屋享用 banana leaf 早餐~
各位队友们幸苦了~ 我们一起来干杯! yammmm shenggggg ~
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