今早收到友人 Suanie 發來的短函,說在她與其他 Blogger 正籌備於來臨的週末到一家名為 "Rumah Hope" 的孤兒院進行探訪並準備了燒烤大會,與眾小朋友同歡,提早慶祝春節。除了備有燒烤會,他們亦決定贈送一些文具用品於該院的小朋友。由於時間短促,加上得準備 50 份 ... 還真非易事。除了盡能力捐贈幾份,我想目前能幫得上忙的便是將消息發放出去,希望有心人自行與該院/ 負責人聯繫。在此感激大家的幫忙

(上圖為其於 2005 年間,登上本地一英文報章 the Star 副刊封面的照片)
或許並非很多讀者對她有所認識 ... Meet my friend Ms. Suanie, one of the famous Blogger in M'sia
Buy a Stationery Bag for the Rumah Hope Kids!
Hi Friends, I'm helping in the BBQ Addicts
charity BBQ this Sunday (23 Jan, 2011) at Rumah Hope, Tmn Paramount. They will hold a
BBQ for the 40+ kids and spend time with them for an arts and craft
session! For more info, check out http://www.bbq-addicts.com/
they need stationery, I thought of a door gift for each kid. I went
through the items with my usual stationery guy (who knows I'm doing
this for charity and helped me with the prices), and this is what each
bag will contain:
UNDER 12 YEARS OLD: 2 exercise books, 1
pencil case, 1 colour pencil set of 24, 1 Faber Castell gift set which
includes pencils, pens, eraser, ruler etc and 1 Milo. Maybe a Mamee if
I can slot it in.
OVER 12 years old: 1 writing pad, 1
document case, 1 Buncho poster colour of 12, 2 watercolour brushes, 1
painting palette, 1 Faber Castell gift set and 1 Milo.
I would like to ask for your help to buy a bag. They cost RM 40 each.
Currently I'm currently preparing 25 for over 12, and 25 for under 12. Total: 50 bags
If you would like to donate, please confirm by today,
let me know how many bags you'd like to contribute to. Even one bag is
fantastic! I have a Maybank account that you can transfer to, cheers!
Any questions, feel free to ask me! :D
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